The Dream Is Over



AlbumMay 27 / 201610 songs, 30m 37s
Post-Hardcore Pop Punk
Popular Highly Rated

7.8 / 10

PUP's second album is a glorious half-hour of redlining guitars and pile-on group chants that turn self-loathing and self-deprecation into a sort of superpower.


The fact that Toronto’s PUP—which stands for Pointless Use of Potential—even made it to a second record is astounding. After the release of its self-titled debut, the band hit the road hard, touring almost constantly for two years and playing hundreds of shows. All that hard work was starting to pay off, but when the…

6 / 10

9 / 10

Turning it up to eleven, PUP’s second album is a tongue-in-cheek rampage through everything that matters.

On their second album, Canadians PUP prove their dark side isn’t solely inward-looking.

8 / 10

If you're a Canadian into punk rock, chances are you've already of PUP, and have been itching to hear the Toronto band's second album, The D...

8.3 / 10

'The Dream Is Over' by PUP, album review by Graham Caldwell. The full-length comes out May 27th on SideOneDummy/Royal Mountain. PUP play 6/1 in Pontiac, MI

85 %

4.3 / 5

PUP - The Dream Is Over review: An act of rebellion