Who's Feeling Young Now?
Album • Jan 01 / 2012 • 12 songs, 49m 59s
Progressive Bluegrass
Highly Rated
Punch Brothers has always centered, both on stage and on record, on mandolinist Chris Thile, who handles the majority of the group’s singing and songwriting duties, as well as its many virtuosic solos. (The group evolved from Thile’s backing band for his 2006 solo record How To Grow A Woman From The Ground.) But Punch…
/ 10
If vocalist-mandolinist Chris Thile and his merry band of prog-grass virtuosos decided to record an album crammed with foot…
Check out our album review of Artist's Who’s Feeling Young Now? on Rolling Stone.com.
This album might not match the furious energy of their live shows, but it does show why the Punch Brothers are so special, writes <strong>Robin Denselow</strong>