Psychic Reality (est. 2009 by Leyna Noel) grew up in the dirt of the racetrack pits, scrutinizing wrecks in all their Days of Thunder carnage. After a smash-up the body can be replaced, but not the core. Her second full-length record CHASSIS feels like ice melting under a hot engine, body electric in scope – songs of distention, elongation. Bodies held at an intimate distance by resinous voices. Here on display are sources from Liz Phair’s Exile in Guyville to Sade’s Soldier of Love to dancehall reductions, dirtied by daily junk: texts, detritus, tissue, feelings. CHASSIS is both a church and a pool – an area where spirits strain.
On her second LP as Psychic Reality, Leyna Noel makes her music grimier and denser. The best moments throb with rhythm and soar with melody, conjuring an alternate past where new wave and disco burrow happily into the dirt while staring beatifically at the sun.