All at Once

AlbumSep 02 / 201614 songs, 58m 45s
Blues Rock Pop Rock CCM

THANKS AND MANY THANKS My deepest thanks first of all to Bernadette, my dear wife of 43 years – steadfast, true and ever honest with me about the details of this album! You gave me very good advice and encouragement. I love you! My never ending thanks to Holly Benyousky, who inspired me to start, to hang in there and to complete this project, major support all the way! To Tommy Coomes, who along with Holly, took deep interest in seeing his ole friend “come out and play” from the start to the finish. Tommy, I appreciate your steadfastness and patience with me. Thanks for helping rally the players as well and for teaming me up with the most excellent writers, including yourself! To Ian, my son – Your ears have assisted me in more ways than you can imagine! Thank you for your honesty and lending your musical talents towards the writing, mixing of many of these songs. “Nere World”! Thank you Robin Mawdsley and Samantha Thompson for your care in handling details and social media. Thanks to the writers, musicians and engineers, of whom each one of you added a musical stone towards the completion of this project. You are all listed in the credits, and I sincerely thank you all. Also, my thanks to the folks at Harvest Productions and Street Level Artists Agency for keeping up with all the logistics in putting out an album as this and for booking my concerts. To my friends and audiences who have attended my concerts over 45 plus years. Thanks to all those who have donated to the fundraising for this indie project through Kickstarter. Couldn’t have done it without you all! And most-ever thankful to my Lord and Savior Jesus who is the Christ – the son of the living God! “I Must Tell Jesus” is dedicated to the memory of James Ryle as well as those dear friends and family members who have just recently gone on to be welcomed by their loving Creator in Heaven ~ my dear brother Michael Keaggy, Jim Baird (jb), Kim Pecchio, Joe Moscheo, Ron Griffeth, Norman Miller, Billy Ray Hearn, Tony Sandi, Bob Wall, Jim Drake and from my early days. Mentor and friend Johnny Kay of Youngstown, Ohio. Phil