How Not To Disappear (Completely)

AlbumJul 25 / 20195 songs, 37m 59s

Cat.#: LONTANO-S-CD04 Release date: 30/7/2019 Format: CD, 7" Vinyl, Digital “How Not To Disappear (Completely)” Imperfection. Paradox. Humanity. Pepo Galán returns demonstrating the imperfect quality of the human being, the paradoxes that coexist without conflict and that walk in the same direction, forming a path watered with broad spectrum sonorities. A sound habitat in which the vital sign of these times that shelter wars, greed and further dark feelings are counteracted with a new optic where it harbors hope. That new hope is called "How not to disappear (completely)". The Málaga born artist complements his vision of the world with this new album where the microtones, the vintage sound of tapes, the broken loops and melancholic textures spread out over the compositions that represent the new sound path for which Galán is transiting, creating a musical corpus where the isolation and sentimental neglect - depicted in his album "Human Values Disappear" (El Muelle Records, 2017) – justify a hopeful reflection with "How not to disappear (completely)". - - Imperfección. Paradoja. Humanidad. Pepo Galán regresa demostrando la cualidad imperfecta del ser humano, las paradojas que cohabitan sin conflicto y que caminan en un mismo sentido, formando un camino regado de sonoridades de amplio espectro, un hábitat sonoro donde el signo vital de estos tiempos que albergan guerras, avaricias y demás oscuros sentimientos se contrarrestan con una nueva óptica donde alberga esperanza. Esa nueva esperanza se llama “How not to disappear (completely)”. El artista malagueño complementa su visión del mundo con este nuevo disco donde las micro notas, el añejo sonido de cintas, los loops rotos y texturas melancólicas se expanden sobre unas composiciones que representan la nueva senda sonora por la que Galán está transitando, formando un corpus musical donde la incomunicación y desidia sentimental – representado en su álbum “Human Values Disappear” (El Muelle Records, 2017) – justifica un esperanzado reflejo con “How not to disappear (completely)”.