
AlbumSep 19 / 200912 songs, 41m 35s
Alternative Rock
4.6 / 10

Former "biggest band on the planet" continues its yeoman's work, making anonymously dependable riff-rock for those who want that sort of thing.


6.0 / 10

Babies born the year Pearl Jam formed are hopefully...

Check out our album review of Artist's Backspacer on Rolling

5.0 / 10

Read a web-exclusive review of Pearl Jam's Backspacer, which is out now on Monkeywrench Records.

7 / 10

You've heard the rumors, and the rumors are true: Pearl Jam have finally released a "pop" album.

<p>Backspacer is full of such curveballs: the ninth Pearl Jam album may even be the best of the lot, says <strong>Dave Simpson</strong></p>

50 %

Album Reviews: Pearl Jam - Backspacer

69 %

3.5 / 5

Pearl Jam - Backspacer review: Pearl Jam return with their most focused album in a long, long time.