Album • Apr 28 / 2009 • 12 songs, 32m 55s • 91%
Skate Punk
Punk Rock
NOFX’s 11th studio album. Recorded at Motor Studios with Bill Stevenson & Jason Livermore. Mixed at the Blasting Room.
After 25 years in the game, NOFX are still going and are still as bratty as ever, sneering as they tackle their favorite subjects: drinking ("The Quitter," "I Am an Alcoholic," "First Call"), anti-religion ("Best God in Show," "Blasphemy [The Victimless Crime]"), and anti-patriotism ("We Called It America," "Suits and Ladders").
/ 10
The liner notes of Coaster mention that NOFX have been around for 25 years, and that's an impressive accomplishment.