Pink Friday

AlbumJan 01 / 201113 songs, 50m 57s
Pop Rap East Coast Hip Hop
6.5 / 10

One of the most exciting new voices in hip-hop makes her proper full-length debut, doing a lot of singing and not nearly enough rapping.


6.4 / 10

The first question that may arise after perusing the tracklist of Nicki Minaj's proper debut full-length, Pink Friday, is this: Where is her label boss, Lil Wayne? Pink Friday , is this: Where is her label boss, Lil Wayne? Lack of Weezy F Baby aside, Minaj's release boasts flexibility. It could just as logically cascade over piles of discarded clothing on the floors of Forever 21 as it would crackle through a busted bathroom speaker at a downtown dance club.

Check out our album review of Artist's Pink Friday on Rolling

The album is a whirling dervish less concerned with differing permutations of sexiness than getting violently up in your face.

3 / 10

<p>The latest saviour of hip-hop oscillates between thrillingly raucous and distressingly bland, says <strong>Alexis Petridis</strong></p>

20 %

Album Reviews: Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday

77 %

Pink Friday Young Money/Cash Money ****