NCT #127 Regular-Irregular - The 1st Album
Album • Oct 12 / 2018 • 11 songs, 39m 54s • 50%
On their full-length debut, NCT 127 show just how versatile they can be. Organized conceptually by two halves—the dream world and reality—*Regular-Irregular* boasts forays into Latin trap (the thunderous title cut) and English (a special version of the very same) that further bolster the group’s reputation as one of the boldest outfits in pop. Much of their strength is collective: Whether they\'re delivering velvety slow jams (“Knock On”), sturdy hip-hop (“My Van”), or “Interlude: Regular to Irregular,” the album’s gauzy palate-cleanser, they step up for each other—and their fans. “This team has my back,” Johnny told Apple Music in the Up Next short film, *Strongest Member Together*. “I really can’t live without this team.”