I Heard it Today

AlbumSep 02 / 20083 songs, 10m 56s
East Coast Hip Hop Political Hip Hop
5.3 / 10

This thoughtful, earnest, cerebral MC might be a prototypical "rapper liberal arts kids like," but he's also ferociously on-point and prodigiously skilled.


With 2002’s I Phantom, Boston’s Mr. Lif couched his rage and systemic distrust in the trappings of a well-designed concept album, and as such, his suspicions were alluring—even inspiring. What workaday mope doesn’t fantasize about strangling the boss and living to see the rat race collapse? Unfortunately, for his…

<p>His frantic rhymes are uttered with growing ferocity, until single The Sun lets a little light in writes <strong>Steve Yates</strong></p>

6 / 10