Black Encyclopedia of the Air

AlbumSep 17 / 202112 songs, 29m 29s
Abstract Hip Hop Experimental Hip Hop Conscious Hip Hop
Popular Highly Rated


7.9 / 10

Though the Philadelphia experimental poet and sound artist has called this her most “accessible” album, her aims remain as radical as ever.

By presenting a platform for black and queer collaborators in her latest record, the Philly-based noisemaker and activist has created the Afrotopian soundscape we all need.

9 / 10

In late 2020, Camae Ayewa (a.k.a. Moor Mother) released BRASS with the supremely underappreciated rapper Billy Woods, initiating a move from...

8 / 10

Moor Mother has the artistic scope and radical conviction to set herself completely apart – as Black Encyclopedia of Air amply proves

8 / 10

'Black Encyclopedia of the Air' from Philly-based poet and musician Moor Mother fuses activist hip-hop with a warm, jazzy groove and an experimental spirit.

84 %

8 / 10