Vinyl, CD, and cassette available at mizmor(dot)bigcartel(dot)com (link in side panel). -------------------------- "Cairn" is an emotional exploration of the absurdity of life - man's constant search for meaning in a chaotic universe devoid of an ultimate purpose. This absurd premise prompts the individual to choose between a leap of faith into an ultimate purpose, suicide, or acceptance of reality. "Cairn" asserts that there is but one viable option, acceptance, and that one must build monuments to the other two as guide posts forbidding return. It declares that one must revolt and live in the present face of this absurdity and create in enjoyment the meaning necessary for life. From A.L.N.: ""Cairn" clocks in at just under one hour of new original music. I recorded the album over the course of three months in my home studio. I took the long way, sparing no expense or detail in my recording. I sought to take the project to a new territory tonally, starting with my education. I won't get into too much detail lest I bore the majority of you, so I will leave it simple: this is the highest resolution recording of the most thoroughly written and rehearsed Mizmor material there's ever been. I was purposefully the pickiest I've ever been with myself at all stages of this album's production and coming through the other side, I'm extremely happy with the result. I'm incredibly honored and thrilled to again have worked with Sonny DiPerri and Adam Gonsalves). Together, the three of us crafted the sound of "Yodh" and have now taken "Cairn" well beyond the prior's sonic limits. I am also floored by the final product of the extremely personal commissioned painting by Mariusz Lewandowski. Continuing in the vein of the polish surrealist master, Beksinski, Lewandowski has beautifully interpreted the theme's of "Cairn" into his painting "Time Immemorial," which sprawls to grace both covers of the album."
In a visionary realization of atmosphere and sonic imagery, Portland, OR's one-man master of blackened doom, Mizmor, has crafted a pocket re...
A review of Cairn by Mizmor, available September 9th worldwide via Gilead Media.