Miranda Lambert is known for being a renegade, unafraid to let it all hang out—and this is probably her loosest album of all. She makes *Platinum* a party, opening up her door to a host of talented friends, including Little Big Town on the slow-rolling, R&B-flavored \"Smokin\' and Drinkin\'\" and Carrie Underwood on the blues-rocking roof-raiser \"Somethin\' Bad.\" And whether she\'s delivering a honky-tonk ode to aging, like \"Gravity Is a B\*\*ch,\" or the wry, folky anthem of anachronism \"Old Shit,\" Lambert sounds supremely comfortable in her own skin.
Lambert's classic Texan voice delivers tradition and Bro-Country with equal ease, writes <strong>Neil Spencer</strong>
Swinging from braggadocio to self-loathing, country rebel Miranda Lambert remains one of the modern greats, writes <strong>Alex Macpherson</strong>