Unsettled Beings

AlbumSep 15 / 20138 songs, 43m 22s

The title of Mikael Lind's latest album, Unsettled Beings, is a reference to his restless self. Mikael is Swedish, but lives and works in Iceland, and recently also spent a year in Scotland to study digital composition. The basic idea of the album is a core of several different pianos accompanied by a lush pattern of violins. The pianos are of varying character, and their melodies often intertwine in a poly-rhythmic fashion, giving the listener the option of letting different melodies compete for attention. Ryan's vocals add warmth to the songs, ornamented with Paul's violins - sometimes in a call-response aesthetics. "[A] swirling smoldering dream-folk fused to woozy atmospheric ambience, the tracks drifting easily from proper songcraft, to free form soundscapery and back again ... Unsettled Beings is a gem". - Aquarius Records "This is an album to listen to quietly and sink into the music that conjures up beautiful landscapes filled with nostalgia." - Guillermo Escudero, Loop "Lind’s previous works have been that of a more ambient/electronica sound mixed with various stringed instrumentation; on ‘Unsettled Beings’ however he has opted for a more minimal classical piano led sound and with great effect too." - Ian, Norman Records "[T]he contrast between tempo and abstraction provides the album with some of its best moments ... after time, one realizes that the best imitation of Icelandic culture is an infusion of the new, which is what Lind ultimately achieves here." - Richard Allen, A Closer Listen Also available in the US on Time Released Sound: timereleasedsound.com