Descending the Mountain
descendingthemountain.org Made for 'Descending The Mountain', a film by Maartje Nevejan. (Premiere September 10th, 2021, Inside Conference, Berlin, Germany) Watch online: picl.nl/films/descending-the-mountain What happens when you administer psilocybin to experienced zen meditators? A neuroscientist and a zen master carry out a double-blind experiment on a sphinxlike mountain in Switzerland. Their goal: to examine the nature of consciousness. “These substances are not for the sick only, they belong in the hands of meditation” (Albert Hofmann) On the last day of a 5-day retreat, a group of zen meditators – who have never used any psychedelic substances before – are given psilocybin, half the group receives a placebo. Mystical experiences are induced through a combination of deep meditation and psilocybin, a psychoactive compound found in magic mushrooms. This scientific experiment, which was published in Nature magazine in 2020, may lift the controversy that has clouded the realm of psychedelics for far too long. Scientist Franz Vollenweider and zen master Vanja Palmers descend from the mountain of bliss to teach us how we can integrate mysticism into our day-to-day life. ‘Descending the Mountain’ is a mesmerising testimony of inner climate change that shows us how psilocybin could create a revolution in improving mental health and strengthen our connection with our environment. Other music for this soundtrack include: Wake Up Calls / Galapagos by Cosmo Sheldrake / Yarra by Banabila & Machinefabriek / Crystal Dawn by Bodhi Setchko / Coral Dirge by Mauro Ottolini / Zoosemiotics by Michel Banabila / Echo Affinity by Taylor Deupree. Video trailer: vimeo.com/584949636 Thanks to Radboud Mens for Izotope clean up on the flute (track 4). Cover image used with kind permission of Global Inside. MOORS MAGAZINE: "Ik wijs niet op elk nieuw stuk dat opduikt op Banabila's bandcamp pagina, maar voor 'Descending the Mountain' wil ik toch even een uitzondering maken, want het gaat hier om een korte soundtrack bij een film van Maartje Nevejan die op 10 september 2021 in première gaat op de Inside Conference in Berlijn. Sfeervolle, toegankelijke muziek die geraffineerder is dan je op het eerste gehoor misschien zou denken. Ook hier geldt weer dat vaker luisteren diepere lagen onthult – je hoort steeds beter hoe perfect alles in elkaar steekt, tot en met de natuurgeluiden toe." POPUNIE: 'De muziek is erg mooi vormgegeven aan de hand van het verhaal van de film. Michel Banabila voegt met de ep Descending The Mountain opnieuw een formidabele release toe aan zijn toch al rijke ouvre; zonder meer chapeau!!'