Nights Out
Album • Sep 08 / 2008 • 16 songs, 1h 22s • 95%
Highly Rated
/ 10
After a solid stretch of singles and remixes, this UK squelch-pop group aims to make a successful transition from producer to album-oriented act.
Originally a solo vehicle for British singer/songwriter Joseph Mount, Metronomy's follow-up to Pip Paine (Pay the £5000 You Owe), is the first to feature full-time band members Oscar Cash and Gabriel Stebbing.
If ‘difficult’ means managing to procure influences seeming to range from an Eastern European funeral paean (see ‘Nights Out Intro’); to textured art-pop Talking Heads awkwardness; to girly sugar pop dialogue (see ‘A Thing For Me’) to….
<p>What impresses most is how the band manage to corral their disparate ideas into a cohesive whole</p>