The Bride Screamed Murder

AlbumJan 01 / 20109 songs, 45m 41s
Sludge Metal
5.2 / 10

The grunge mainstays return with another record full of unexpected twists, turns, jokes, diversions, and ideas.


If, God forbid, Stripes ever gets remade, there’s a song ready to replace Bill Murray’s madcap cadence calls: “The Water Glass,” the opening track of the Melvins’ The Bride Screamed Murder. The only problem is, the extended call-and-response drum-line jam is a fun joke that doesn’t know when to quit—a criticism, of…

5 / 10

The album is more or less interchangeable with 2008’s Nude with Boots both in terms of its sound and its level of quality.

8 / 10