Cabaret Cixous
Estonian musician Maria Juur aka Maria Minerva emerged on to the landscape of 2011 with a suite of of stellar smeared pop, documented on her daydream debut, Tallinn At Dawn, and a sultry bedroom disco EP, Noble Savage. Her latest and lushest offering participates in a fringe Estonian tradition of naming one's album after an invented cabaret; hence: Cabaret Cixous. The record's 11 songs slip-stream through cracked-crystal karaoke (“These Days,” “Ruff Trade,” “Soo High”), glamorous ballads (“Lovecool,” “Spiral”), and radical miscellanies (the alien dub of “Laulan Paikse Kaes,” a cellphone-fidelity Abba cover, etc). A beautiful and bizarre record, full of melted magic and alluring haze.
On her second album for the L.A.-based experimental label Not Not Fun, Minevera swirls idea-dense cultural references into a sound that draws from 1980s electro, dance pop, and 90s house.