Archive 02: Plague Journal
Album • Jan 01 / 2008 • 3 songs, 41m 34s
Drone Metal
ARCHIVE 02: PLAGUE JOURNAL MMVIII "Debut vinyl by a Chicago duo who spoon through the night mounted upon guitar or a synth. It's noisy piece of work, but the sonic textures are closer to rock (maybe born amidst the debris of a party Killing Joke had just left). The first side is a ride through a wind tunnel, the flip is more like a gracefully arcing dive into a pile of inflatable. balloons shaped just like Fripp & Eno on the cover of NO PUSSYFOOTING. But they don't pop when you hit them, they just blast you back into space with a bruise to show for your troubles. Go figure." - Size Matters, THE WIRE 291 MAY 2008