Do these guys ever sleep? Mortal bands wish they could match King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard’s work ethic. *Polygondwanaland* marks the Aussie freak-rockers’ fourth album release of 2017. Where previous LPs swirled jazz, metal, and even microtonal tunings into their psych-rock mix, here, the band builds grooves upon grooves—credit goes to two drummers. More bands should adopt this approach. The guitar is the primary navigational tool here, dipping and diving, while stray sounds like harmonica, flute, and odd synth tones add to the scenic vistas. The 11-minute opener, “Crumbling Castle,” with its solid chops and vintage trapdoors, simulates what the side stages at a druid music festival might sound like.
BOOTLEG THIS ALBUM kinggizzardandthelizardwizard.com/bootlegger
Psych-rock band King Gizzard is giving its fourth album of the year away as a free download. The immersive Polygondwanaland is the farthest the seven-piece has strayed from its psych sci-fi roots.
'Polygondwanaland' is the fourth album released by Australian band King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard in 2017 - released for free on their website.
Album review of ‘Polygondwanaland’ King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard