Featuring collaborations with Skrillex and Jamie xx, the West Coast transplant’s debut album flips the chamber-folk cello of her debut EP into a contemporary, decidedly Los Angeles hybrid sound.
The alt-classic talent has crafted an evocative debut album that, although uneven, commands you to listen up and pay attention
Kelsey Lu's debut is a continent — neither linear, nor loyal to one cardinal direction. She chases dream states on "Due West," only to arriv...
Kelsey Lu’s ‘Blood’ is an album voracious in appetite and ideas. Its scope is broad, its palate lush and brimming with vibrant colour.
A forward-forging spirit knits Kelsey Lu's diverse debut collection 'Blood' together, and yet it's feel like an LP that only scratches the surface.
There’s a purposefulness to Lu’s soft, folk-influenced soundscape songs that marks out a big talent