Though it doesn't quite match College Dropout or Late Registration in pleasure-center overload, Kanye West's third album is both his most consistent and most enterprising yet, indicating that he might actually deserve the legendary status he constantly ascribes to himself.
From his introductory single "Through The Wire" onward, Kanye West has trafficked in naked emotional transparency. The College Dropout was a thrillingly intimate chronicle of his evolution from faux-underdog (true underdogs generally don't launch solo rapping careers with millions in the bank, a wall full of platinum…
<p>Hip hop's eternal student is full of self-doubt. But apart from the Chris Martin moment, he needn't worry, writes <strong>Ben Thompson</strong>.</p>
I’m sort of looking forward to hearing the next album built around the disillusionment of his first entry-level position.
Like its two predecessors, Kanye West’s third album Graduation has little to do with the education system, despite its title.