
AlbumAug 29 / 202127 songs, 1h 48m 59s
Christian Hip Hop Experimental Hip Hop

6.0 / 10

Kanye West’s 10th album arrives barely finished and with a lot of baggage. Its 27 tracks include euphoric highs that lack connective tissue, a data dump of songs searching for a higher calling.


The long-delayed release of Kanye West’s latest reveals an album—and artist—in desperate need of editing

7 / 10

The rapper's 10th album follows an odyssey of delays, the result merely punctuated with moments of brilliance

5 / 10

Kanye West's attempted revival with Donda is an awe-inspiring overcooked horrorshow

Review: Kanye West's 'Donda'

Predictably bloated and unnecessarily uneven.

Donda review Kanye West

The first noticeable thing about Kanye West's tenth studio album, Donda, is its mass.

7 / 10

Forty days and nights — seriously — after first announcing his 10th studio album via a Beats by Dre commercial starring track and field spri...

Kanye West, or Ye as he may soon be known, has finally put an end to the DONDA album speculation by dropping it.

5 / 10

Kanye West's much-hyped, controversial Donda isn't underwhelming: it's completely overwhelming, and that's the problem

Kanye West’s ‘Donda’ is arguably the most vulnerable and broken that the rapper has allowed himself to appear. Read our review.

5 / 10

During one of 'Donda's' many prayers, Kanye West sings,

8.0 / 10

Donda by Kanye West album review by Adam Fink. The full-length is now available via GOOD Music/Def Jam Recordings and streaming services

There is some sustained brilliance here, but unfortunately it comes from the guest stars – and at 108 minutes, this long-awaited album is in need of an edit

50 %

Album Reviews: Kanye West - Donda

3.0 / 5

Kanye West - Donda review: This is Kanye West.

The rapper's long-awaited new album perfectly encapsulates the man himself: ego-driven, brilliant, and utterly exhausting