Haydn 2032, Vol. 6: Lamentatione
Album • Jun 01 / 2018 • 15 songs, 1h 7m 6s
Volume 6 in Antonini’s much-admired Haydn series—performing and recording all 107 of the composer’s symphonies in the run-up to his 300th anniversary in 2032—is devoted to a quartet of Haydn symphonies with sacred themes. Symphony No. 3, from the early 1760s, is a delight—compact yet surprisingly full of good things. No. 26, the *Lamentatione*, which gives its name to the album, was written for Easter Week and contains a plainchant tune. No. 30, the *Alleluia*, uses Gregorian chant while No. 79 is a fabulously inventive and imaginative piece. All, it goes without saying, are thrillingly played.