Sprained Ankle
Merchandise and Music Available at: 6131.co/julien
Sprained Ankle is a solo, singer-songwriter album, but very little of it would be considered "folky." Julien Baker's extremely intimate songs operate in existential ultimatums—life or death, hope or despair, oblivion or epiphany. These are redemption songs that sound as raw as they feel.
It's surprising that Julien Baker considers her heartache to be a mere 'ankle sprain'; it's really more of a confessional, punctured lung.
On "Blacktop," Sprained Ankle's powerful opener, Julien Baker sings, "come visit me in the back of an ambulance." She's calling out to w...
In the first scene of High Fidelity John Cusack’s character reels off a monologue comparing a culture of violence to pop music. “Nobody