Eternally Even

AlbumNov 04 / 20169 songs, 41m 29s
Neo-Psychedelia Art Pop
7.9 / 10

Jim James' new solo album contains some of his most psychedelic music, as well as his most directly topical lyrics, offering new ways for him to wield his otherworldly voice.

7.2 / 10

Jim James is primarily, and justifiably, thought of as the frontman of My Morning Jacket.

Our take on second solo album from My Morning Jacket frontman.

Also Kathryn Williams & Anthony Kerr, A Tribe Called Quest, Tim Buckley and Alison Balsom

8 / 10

Eternally Even

8.0 / 10

The My Morning Jacket frontman is back with a follow up to his 2013 debut solo release Regions of Light and Sound of God.

Eternally Even plants Jim James dead-center in the rubble of modern sociopolitical rot.

7 / 10

Photo: Neil.

8 / 10