Fallen Splendor

AlbumMar 15 / 198611 songs, 51m 22s

"When I look at you and you look at me we only see the skin. If we could look inside, I bet we'd find a searcher there within." Introduction by Reed Jolley – The eighteenth century English poet William Blake lamented that people of his age were in the habit of seeing "with but not through the eye." Could a better description be given our age? We "watch" a particular space shuttle explode, a South African Black being beaten, a Filipino riot, an Ethiopian starve ... but what do we see? These, and a thousand other images, flood our psyche like the waters of a broken dam. It is a grand irony that while we are unable to integrate this cornucopia of data we have an increasing appetite for more. More "news," more replays, more information. The beat goes on. Computers "crunch" everything in their reach. The deficit grows while condominiums shrink into "condos." Yuppies celebrate life in a new SAAB and wonder how much better life would be in a Mercedes. While we "watch" the "world going 'round" (remember the fool on the hill?) we hunger for something other than cruelty and banality. At times our empty hearts distract us even from the plethora of our distractions. In our "quiet desperation" we realize that we "look" but rarely do we "see." The distinction is subtle but it allows us to catch a glimpse of our place in the universe. What we see is not what we get. We were created for something greater than fast-foods. Muzak and astro-turf. Our inner longings are fulfilled in the one who made us. Any approach to life, any effort to make sense of the cosmos, any attempt at splendor aside from the reality of God is fallen indeed. Featuring – Jeff Johnson: Keys & voice Sandy Simpson: Electric guitars & keys Mark Schulman: Drums David Friesen: Oregon bass Roger Hadley: Bells & cymbals Dave Hagelganz: Tenor saxophone Rick Crittenden: Bass Paul Chasman: Acoustic guitar Brian Willis: Drums Music Review – Fallen Splendor is more than 50 minutes of the most articulate, intriguing and beautiful music on CD today. – NewSound