The Very Best of Jackson Browne
Album • Mar 16 / 2004 • 32 songs, 2h 35m 31s • 82%
Soft Rock
Highly Rated
The brown-eyed, handsome man-child of California\'s \'70s pop-rock scene wrote \"These Days\" when he was 16, and the rest is era-defining history. Jackson Browne delivers his literate lyrics and memorable melodies with deceptive calm, conveying even the cataclysms of \"Before the Deluge\" and \"Doctor My Eyes\" with country-rock cool. Songs like \"The Load Out\" and \"Running On Empty\" demystify rock stardom, while \"Red Neck Friend\" and \"I Am a Patriot\" do no less for America itself.
Check out our album review of Artist's The Very Best Of Jackson Browne on Rolling
Jackson Browne long displayed an aversion to hits collections, releasing his first one 25 years after his debut album.