This prodigiously-hirsute Londoner has spent the fledgling days of his career picking up armfuls of awards in the UK. His debut (double) album—a wildly ambitious, kaleidoscopic opus—justifies the billing. The juddering electro-R&B of “Worry” and “The Love You’re Given” showcase a skillful use of space and silence, while “Surprise Yourself” and “I Couldn’t Want You Anyway” gently reveal Garratt’s inner-troubadour and an ability to move hearts, minds, and feet.
Hotly hyped UK singer/songwriter Jack Garratt blends earnest bluesman's style with a light fizz of electronica and quavering voice. His debut seems forged from equal parts James Blake and Jai Paul, and somewhere inside the sentiment and bombast you can hear a sensitive man who's trying to explore his flaws and desires candidly.
The hotly-tipped electronic singer-songwriter offers up a smorgasbord of ideas on his thrilling debut album
His USP is somewhat dimmed by hours and hours of carefully chosen layers, vocals and everything else in between.
Clash was lucky enough to see Jack Garratt perform live at Glastonbury last year, just before the track ‘Breathe Life’ caught the ear of the
Jack Garratt’s debut album proves he can conjure a decent lyric and work wonders with a mixing desk
Garratt’s debut is a little bit Ed, a little bit Sam, a little bit EDM. Once he digs out his own ideas and adds them to his ability with a melody, he’ll fly
CD: Jack Garratt - Phase. 2016's big pop hope is sonically adventurous but vocally tiresome. Music review by Thomas H Green