Norfolk Serpent
Album • Jan 06 / 2023 • 10 songs, 47m 4s • 91%
Chamber Folk
an album about representation, love, suffocation, euphoria, suicide and the places where they weave together. my quietest release, probably, but also probably some of my prettiest guitar work. i went into all of these tracks writing only five-or-six-layer harmonies and then singing random syllables over them; many of the surviving songs keep the repeating patterns that i would play over and over again for ten or twenty minutes at a time. it was a very very cathartic experience, recording this at one of the lowest points in the year (and in my life thus far) turned it from the high-octane dream-pop record i originally planned into something much more delicate. i am extremely proud of it. i hope you enjoy it as much as i do :)