Illin for Meds
Album • Mar 31 / 2023 • 24 songs, 1h 13m 51s • 40%
UK Hip Hop
Boom Bap
This is a 24 track producer album by illinformed. The album features 1jack, All Hail Y.T, Babylon Dead, Bil Next, Bill Shakes, Bisk, BVA, Chris Skillz, Crossbow T, Datkid, Dirt Platoon, Eric The Red, Frek 1, Gaza Glock, General, Inja, Jack Jetson, Jay Nice, Leaf Dog, Left Lane Didon, Lisaan'Dro, Pertrelli, Res One, Ruste Juxx, Sean Peng, Sk!nt, Smellington Piff, Tony Broke, Verb T, Wish Master & Wyatt Earp.