Sselemarf Kultur

AlbumSep 08 / 20175 songs, 39m 12s

On the 16th of November 2016, I performed a live show alongside the Japanese band Goat at Einstein Kultur in Munich. The show was organised as part of the wonderful ongoing Frameless series. As anyone that has been around me for my live shows will know, I quite often do something completely different from sound check to actual performance. In this case, I had originally planned to do a long form shruti and vocal noise-drone set. Due to a delay in the soundcheck for Goat, I decided to see what came out in my own little backstage room using my shruti box, glockenspiel, percussion, contact mics, and some old samples of solo and collaborative work all processed through Audiomulch. This little sketch was the result before I had to go and soundcheck, and was in no way what I had actually intended. Naturally I completely changed my original idea and this second set to a noisy circuit bent modular set-up instead for reasons I am never quite sure with almost every event I perform. Regardless of the change of heart in my approach for each live event, some of my best work often seems to be in these 'throwaway' live tests I do. I came across this in a huge folder of similar outtakes and sketches I make around performances that I really love. There is a wonderful purity and randomness to it all, and the work is so free from the stresses I put into my typically obsessive recording processes. It is just a wonderfully fun take on stuff I have worked on before alongside live looping really. Enormous thanks and love to Daniel and Karin for being so supportive and for inviting me to one of their great events. I had a blast. Thank you.