The British singer’s high-concept pop songs reside deep in the uncanny valley; her vocals are modulated to sound like a glitchy AI fembot, but her lyrics are written with the wide-eyed naivety of a teenager’s secret diary. When Diamond emerged in 2013 as part of the cooler-than-thou PC Music collective, her hyper-glossy Web 1.0 dance pop skewed towards art school kitsch, but on her long-awaited full-length debut, the crying-in-the-club bangers feel sweet and sincere. *Reflections* is a tight collection of breakup songs that borrow from Y2K-era trance and bubblegum pop from somewhere in the distant future, thanks to some seriously cutting-edge production from PC Music head honcho A.G. Cook. The second half of “Concrete Angel” is the wildest two minutes you’ll hear in a pop song this year.
Heavy on vocal processing and maximalist A. G. Cook production, the PC Music star’s first full-length can’t help feeling a little anticlimactic.
Teased for what seems like a very long time, pop artist Hannah Diamond's debut full-length on London, England's PC Music has finally arrived...
Hannah Diamond started releasing tracks a long six years ago, and finally her debut album is here. While the first track, 'Reflections', is a bit
On these melancholy bangers, the PC Music singer uses nursery rhyme-like melodies and a girlish sing-song delivery to essay the pain of being lovelorn and vulnerable