Shelter in Space

AlbumJun 05 / 202010 songs, 41m 24s
Chamber Folk Avant-Folk

When the “shelter in place” order was first given in New York City, like so many other musicians worldwide I had lost months of scheduled touring and all of its accompanying fun, fulfillment, and income.  With little else to constructively do with my time, I set my sights on making the record that had been vaguely brewing in the back of my mind for awhile. But all too often I found myself able to do little more than sit and stare out the window. Like many people I know, I was experiencing feelings of despondency, depression, lethargy, and powerlessness. At a time when most people seemed to be endlessly reaching out across social media and video chats to communicate with one another, I only felt like withdrawing. I found myself facing a pile of previously ignored inner battles, all distractions set aside. So this record represents an auto-deep-dive of sorts. And it seemed that I felt more free from the second guessing and self-judging that’s typically ultra-present during the creative process. I recorded these 10 tunes not knowing how they would strike anyone else but feeling deeply that they would always resonate within me as a very memorable reflection of my own experience in relative isolation. As I write this I (and most people) have been at home for over 10 weeks, and it’s anyone’s guess how long that will continue. What will come of this experience? One positive thing seems to be the abundant creation of art, including many new recordings. So thank you for lending your ears and joining me for this soundtrack to my home adventure.