Fast Japanese Spin Cycle
When it first appeared, *Fast Japanese Spin Cycle* was among the first releases from this obscure, home-recording Dayton, Ohio combo to receive national attention, and it set the stage for their major ascent among power pop fans with 1994\'s *Bee Thousand*. This EP is a quick, to-the-point tour de force. No track lasts long enough to exhaust its welcome and the lo-fi quality of the home four-track cassette machine adds to the mystery and appeal, as Robert Pollard\'s vocals shimmer and shake as if transmitting from another world altogether. \"Indian Fables\" barely lasts more than half a minute. \"Volcano Divers\" is an exercise in GBV psychedelic minimalism. \"My Impression\" has all the makings of a classic hit single that never was. The version of \"Marchers In Orange,\" a tune that appeared in weaker form on their album *Vampire On Titus*, captures the band\'s irreverent, drunken approach, as does the toy piano-based \"3rd World Birdwatching.\" GBV would go to record an entire library of songs. However, they\'d never again capture this perfect confluence of naïve energy and savvy pop smarts.