Against Which The Sea Continually Beats
The 2nd solo album for Glenn Jones (Cul de Sac), Against Which the Sea Continually Beats was recorded over four days during late September 2006 in beautiful West Tinsbury, Martha's Vineyard, MA. The peaceful, seafaring setting of the island community inspired the recording sessions, lending an air of tranquility that served to coax from Glenn Jones impeccable performances, most of which were captured in just one take. Book-ended by the brief slide blues laments "Island 1" and "Island 2", Against Which the Sea Continually Beats' eleven tunes travel from Delta to Appalachia, from classical to a cinematic sort of folk sound in a language that is purely imbued in the artists' own dialect. Graceful and subtle, resonating with confidence and at times sheer power, Against Which the Sea Continually Beats is a masterpiece of guitar soli by a truly singular talent.
The word primitive evokes thoughts of crudely hewn instruments and blunt, inarticulate fumbling that struggles to bring cohesion from chaos, the tentative...