


EPAug 16 / 20245 songs, 12m 52s
Hardcore Punk
Noteable Highly Rated

7.8 / 10

The New Jersey hardcore band returns with a five-song EP that keeps the unrelenting ferocity of their early work and adds bolder production and deeper hooks.

7.8 / 10

The New Jersey hardcore band returns with a five-song EP that keeps the unrelenting ferocity of their early work and adds bolder production and deeper hooks.

Gel return on a five-song EP ‘Persona’ full of focused ferocity, filing their roughness down to an even sharper point.

Gel return on a five-song EP ‘Persona’ full of focused ferocity, filing their roughness down to an even sharper point.

10 / 10

Jack McGill reviews the new EP from one of the most exciting acts in hardcore! Read the review of 'Persona' by Gel here on Distorted Sound!

10 / 10

Jack McGill reviews the new EP from one of the most exciting acts in hardcore! Read the review of 'Persona' by Gel here on Distorted Sound!

7 / 10

New Jersey hardcore band Gel first caught my eye with "XOXO" from their first 2021 release Violent Closure, delivering rhythmic, gripping drum lines after a Paulie Walnuts intro. I have mad respect for hardcore songs that get to the point and don't drag out, putting Gel in line to become one of m

7 / 10

New Jersey hardcore band Gel first caught my eye with "XOXO" from their first 2021 release Violent Closure, delivering rhythmic, gripping drum lines after a Paulie Walnuts intro. I have mad respect for hardcore songs that get to the point and don't drag out, putting Gel in line to become one of m

8 / 10

Hardcore punk band GEL's ability to weave new influences into their sound while remaining instantly identifiable sets them apart. They're a breath of fresh air.

8 / 10

Hardcore punk band GEL's ability to weave new influences into their sound while remaining instantly identifiable sets them apart. They're a breath of fresh air.