Girl with Fish
The Pittsburgh noise-pop experimentalists come into their own on a short yet richly textured album full of fuzzy melodic hooks and beguiling left turns.
With an album as good s Girl with Fish, feeble little horse are bound for the winner's circle. For now, though, the grass looks plenty green right where they're standing. They've got each other and that's a lot.
Songwriter Lydia Slocum details her restless thoughts through slacker-noise tunes that are both fierce and vulnerable
feeble little horse craft an exquisite blend of noise and pop on Girl With Fish, one of the strongest sophomore efforts in recent memory.
Feeble Little Horse's secret weapon is vocalist Lydia Slocum, giving this tight 27 minute record a literary might beyond this band’s years.
The camaraderie between the members of feeble little horse is like jet fuel in the hands of arsonists. Set ablaze, their sophomore LP Girl w...
Feeble Little Horse’s ‘Girl with Fish’ is an economical calling card and the sound of a band coming into their own. Read our review.
Girl With Fish by Feeble Little Horse Album review by Ryan Meyer. The Pittsburgh band's full-length is now out via Saddle Creek Records