El Estanque Esmeralda

AlbumApr 17 / 20148 songs, 41m

Federico Durand : "El estanque esmeralda" label : Spekk (Japan) artwork : mondii photo : Federico Durand master : Chihei Hatakeyama release date : April 2014 (WORLDWIDE) cat : KK028 / format : CD You can buy this album from SPEKK (Japan) www.spekk.net SPEKKからのファーストアルバム以来、日本でも人気の高いアルゼンチンの 電子音楽家による待望の最新作。本人も「これまでの最高傑作!」と断言する極上の1枚で、ジャケットのような、まるで天上界の草原で神々しく鳴っているような、眩く超越した美しさです。所謂ドローン作品ではないのにも関わらず、抽象音などでここまで情感的に描かれた作品はそうそうありません!またまた、歴史に足跡を残す金字塔作品です! Description (text by Federico Durand) I usually like to talk about the memories of my childhood. One day, when my grandparents took me to a trip to the southern mountains and forests in my country, I met these wonderful landscapes for the first time - larches and the beautiful green colored lakes. During that trip, I suddenly caught a cold but nevertheless, my grandparents took me for a walk around the pond. In my blurry memories, the emerald color of the water, the wooden bridge and flowers remained inside of me as if it was a dream. Many years later, I visited the Museum of Decorative Arts in Buenos Aires with my wife Lucia and we sat in a cafe inside the garden. Near our table was an ornamental pond, with lilies and reeds. While looking at the flowers, I suddenly had this vivid impression, and flashback of the old pond that I saw in my childhood so clearly.“El estanque esmeralda” (The Emerald Pond) was made in remembrance of that vision. For this album, I used different kinds of instruments, but I wanted to keep music very simple: little melodies and cassette tapes, some of them from 30 years ago that I found lying on the streets of my city, Buenos Aires. I hope you will enjoy this wander to the Emerald Pond.