Halfway Between The Gutter And The Stars
Album • Jan 01 / 2000 • 12 songs, 1h 8m 21s • 95%
Big Beat
/ 10
After enjoying a few years of relative popularity, it seems big-beat's appeal and relevance are waning. Like a designer ...
Check out our album review of Artist's Halfway Between The Gutter And The Stars on Rolling Stone.com.
The cover of Norman Cook's breakout Fatboy Slim album, You've Come a Long Way, Baby, was a good clue to the contents, picturing as it did thousands of LPs straining the racks in Cook's record room -- undoubtedly just a small portion of his massive collection of sampling material.
Much like Moby, Fatboy Slim continues to prove that techno can have soul and that it’s a legitimate subgenre of rock.