
AlbumDec 15 / 201719 songs, 1h 17m 46s
Pop Rap
5.0 / 10

On his overtly political ninth studio LP, Eminem is fueled by self-doubt. But with many bland hooks and cringe-worthy punchlines, Revival is another late-career album that does little for his legacy.


Eminem is not very good at his job anymore, and he’s spent an inordinate amount of time in the last decade trying to convince himself and everybody else that he’s actually better than ever. It’s a big part of his narrative nowadays, and it gets boring fast: The haters are always hating him, and the criticism really…

2 / 10

The controversial rapper takes aim at Donald Trump on this vital, if flawed, politically charged ninth album

6.8 / 10

The ninth album from the firebrand rapper is another mixed bag of soaring highs and skidding lows.

Eminem takes stock of his career, says he’s sorry to his daughter and goes off on Trump on ninth LP 'Revival' – read the 'Rolling Stone' review

Download this: Walk On Water; Untouchable; Like Home; Offended; Castle; Arose

Eminem wonders this on "Walk on Water," the first track on his 2017 album, Revival, which arrives when the 20th anniversary of his 1999 debut, The Slim Shady LP, is just 14 months away.

6 / 10

After a four-year hiatus and a crafty rollout, Eminem's Revival is finally here. The first two singles from the LP, "Walk on Water" and the...

As Eminem has found to his cultural cost over the past decade, when you’ve built a career as the troll king of rap music there’s always someone prepared to be more controversial, eager to steal your bile-hop crown.

The demands of his core audience and bland beats hamper the rapper’s ninth album

Eminem’s grip on the zeitgeist is less firm on the over-long Revival than it was on the freestyle cut “The Storm.”

7.0 / 10

'Revival' by Eminem: Our review sees Eminem at his best and most average on the bloated 'Revival.'

There are tiny twitches of genius on the rapper’s first album in four years, but to get there you have to wade through acres of bad gags, filler and formulaic fury

40 %

Only Eminem would open an album with a feature from Beyoncé and waste it.

1.0 / 5

Eminem - Revival review: Destroying shit even as it’s built.

“I am to rap what blue jeans mean to Bruce Springsteen,” declares Eminem on his 10th album.