
AlbumMay 15 / 200920 songs, 1h 16m 15s
Hip Hop Horrorcore
4.8 / 10

It's the return of the... Ah, wait, no way, you're kidding: Eminem's relapse is just an update of his shock tactics? It still beats most of Encore.


Five years after the release of his last album, Eminem has emerged from his fortress of solitude with an Oprah-ready tale of addiction, depression, and grief followed by recovery, sobriety, and a renewed sense of purpose. The older-and-wiser Eminem was apparently so rife with inspiration that a single album couldn’t…

Check out our album review of Artist's Relapse on Rolling

Eminem placed himself in exile shortly after Encore wound down, a seclusion initially designed as creative down-time but which soon descended into darkness fueled by another failed marriage to his wife Kim and the death of his best friend Proof, culminating in years of drug addiction.

Eminem's finest album since 'The Marshall Mathers LP'...Of all the reports which speculated as to why Eminem had disappeared from music following the release of his 2005 greatest hits album 'Curtain Call', none proved as bizarre as a story that emerged in January 2008 under the headline: 'Eminem - Not Slim Anymore; Big Health Scare!'

6 / 10

Almost five years on from his last studio album ‘Encore’, Eminem finds himself at a career crossroads, with three potential avenues to pursue from his entry point: one, revisi

There isn’t one legitimate funky snap in the album’s entire running time.

3 / 10

<p>Eminem is back from a three-year daze and has plenty to be angry about. But can he avoid the self pity this time? By <strong>Alexis Petridis</strong></p>

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Album Reviews: Eminem - Relapse