I Dont Like Shit, I Dont Go Outside: An Album by Earl Sweatshirt

AlbumMar 23 / 201510 songs, 30m 1s
Popular Highly Rated

Rapper Earl Sweatshirt’s third album is a dark, fascinating trip to the bottom of the self. Lyrically, Earl is a singular talent, capable of dense, expressive lines that flip back and forth between humor and pain, despair and resolve. “My days numbered, I’m focused heavy on making the most of ’em/I feel like I’m the only one pressin’ to grow upwards,” he raps on “Faucet,” over beats as hazy and fragmented as the words themselves.

8.0 / 10

Earl's latest release feels like the realization of a voice he's been working towards: one that is both fluid and all angles, vacillating between naked introspection and pushing us as far away as possible. He is whittling away carefully at the tendencies he's always had, remaining confident that he’ll light upon something that feels fresh and honest. So far, he's right.

8.0 / 10

Earl's latest release feels like the realization of a voice he's been working towards: one that is both fluid and all angles, vacillating between naked introspection and pushing us as far away as possible. He is whittling away carefully at the tendencies he's always had, remaining confident that he’ll light upon something that feels fresh and honest. So far, he's right.


In 2013 it seemed as if just about the only person not buying into the Earl Sweatshirt myth was Earl himself. The prodigal young rapper had just reemerged from his mysterious disappearance—turns out he’d been sent to a school for at-risk boys in Samoa—and the music press was eagerly scouring his every verse,…


In 2013 it seemed as if just about the only person not buying into the Earl Sweatshirt myth was Earl himself. The prodigal young rapper had just reemerged from his mysterious disappearance—turns out he’d been sent to a school for at-risk boys in Samoa—and the music press was eagerly scouring his every verse,…

6 / 10

6 / 10

7 / 10

A concise, consistent and cerebral album from Odd Future's most thoughtful rapper.

7 / 10

A concise, consistent and cerebral album from Odd Future's most thoughtful rapper.

Check out our album review of Artist's I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside on Rolling Stone.com.

Check out our album review of Artist's I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside on Rolling Stone.com.

8 / 10

Upon his release from a brief stint at an overseas school for at-risk youth in 2012, Earl Sweatshirt returned to his Odd Future collective a...

8 / 10

Upon his release from a brief stint at an overseas school for at-risk youth in 2012, Earl Sweatshirt returned to his Odd Future collective a...

7 / 10

Music Review: Earl Sweatshirt – I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside

7 / 10

Music Review: Earl Sweatshirt – I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside

The 21-year-old west coast rapper’s third album finds him up there with the best

The 21-year-old west coast rapper’s third album finds him up there with the best

'I Don’t Like Shit, I Don’t Go Outside' sees Earl Sweatshirt digging even deeper into a psyche clouded with pot smoke and self-doubt.

'I Don’t Like Shit, I Don’t Go Outside' sees Earl Sweatshirt digging even deeper into a psyche clouded with pot smoke and self-doubt.

8 / 10

Thebe Kgositsile, better known by his stage name Earl Sweatshirt, first came on the hip-hop scene as the kind of prodigy no parent would ever want their...

8 / 10

Thebe Kgositsile, better known by his stage name Earl Sweatshirt, first came on the hip-hop scene as the kind of prodigy no parent would ever want their...

Earl Sweatshirt delivers tongue-twisting wordplay via a molasses-thick flow on his impressive second album

Earl Sweatshirt delivers tongue-twisting wordplay via a molasses-thick flow on his impressive second album

70 %

70 %

3.8 / 5

Earl Sweatshirt - I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside review: Earl steps out of Tyler's shadow to find the outside world ain't all that sunny either.

3.8 / 5

Earl Sweatshirt - I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside review: Earl steps out of Tyler's shadow to find the outside world ain't all that sunny either.