Paper Gods
Album • Sep 11 / 2015 • 12 songs, 57m 27s
When 50-somethings update their sound to modern trends, it risks coming off like a midlife crisis–the sonic equivalent of a Harley Davidson and ponytail. Duran Duran are self-aware enough to carry it off though, even on EDM banger “Last Night in the City”. Top-notch collaborators help, particularly Mark Ronson, Nile Rodgers and Janelle Monáe on robo-disco romp “Pressure Off”, while worldly-wise lyrics and irresistible hooks ensure this is a graceful re-invention.
/ 10
It's easier than it should be to make fun of Duran Duran. Their 1980s heyday saw them churn out some of the greatest pop melodies of the era—"Hungry Like the Wolf" is an all-time great, no matter what anyone says.