Blackstar has David Bowie embracing his status as a no-fucks icon, clutching onto remnants from the past as exploratory jazz and the echos of various mad men soundtrack his freefall.
Blackstar has David Bowie embracing his status as a no-fucks icon, clutching onto remnants from the past as exploratory jazz and the echos of various mad men soundtrack his freefall.
Crooned and wailed over a backdrop of dark jazz, spy soundtrack, and synth pad, Blackstar finds David Bowie—now old enough to be grandpa to a big chunk of the music-streaming public—at the forefront of something. Admittedly, Bowie is a one-man hall of mirrors, and anything new he does ends up reflecting what he’s…
Crooned and wailed over a backdrop of dark jazz, spy soundtrack, and synth pad, Blackstar finds David Bowie—now old enough to be grandpa to a big chunk of the music-streaming public—at the forefront of something. Admittedly, Bowie is a one-man hall of mirrors, and anything new he does ends up reflecting what he’s…
As with his entire career, David Bowie has once again given us enough to keep us wanting more, while reminding us of all the inspired gifts that came before.
As with his entire career, David Bowie has once again given us enough to keep us wanting more, while reminding us of all the inspired gifts that came before.
David Bowie has achieved the status of deity in our modern age. That’s why the soon-to-be 69-year-old artist has almost…
David Bowie has achieved the status of deity in our modern age. That’s why the soon-to-be 69-year-old artist has almost…
‘Blackstar’ seems to be him giving everything, allowing all of his creative impulses to flourish.
‘Blackstar’ seems to be him giving everything, allowing all of his creative impulses to flourish.
Bowie’s back – again – but his forthcoming album takes him in a strange new direction
Bowie’s back – again – but his forthcoming album takes him in a strange new direction
None of us knew that Blackstar was to be the epitaph. The knowledge that his 25th and final studio album consciously represents goodbye transforms initial appraisal – that Blackstar is an interesting (if consciously arty and perhaps a shade self-indulgent) listen – into a work poignant beyond words.
None of us knew that Blackstar was to be the epitaph. The knowledge that his 25th and final studio album consciously represents goodbye transforms initial appraisal – that Blackstar is an interesting (if consciously arty and perhaps a shade self-indulgent) listen – into a work poignant beyond words.
Two years ago, no one expected David Bowie to release The Next Day, his first record in ten years and first album of wholly original materia...
Two years ago, no one expected David Bowie to release The Next Day, his first record in ten years and first album of wholly original materia...
Not every examination of a pop record requires an elaborate look at context and character, but anything by David Bowie demands it. In some superficial sense, Bowie's albums are vehicles for abstract character arcs, and each one leads into the next by eith
Not every examination of a pop record requires an elaborate look at context and character, but anything by David Bowie demands it. In some superficial sense, Bowie's albums are vehicles for abstract character arcs, and each one leads into the next by eith
David Bowie combines with a jazz group to startling effect on an album that makes light of his advancing years
David Bowie combines with a jazz group to startling effect on an album that makes light of his advancing years
Blackstar is defiantly a thing of its own, allowing Bowie to revisit his career-spanning, paradoxical fears with fascinating new sounds.
Blackstar is defiantly a thing of its own, allowing Bowie to revisit his career-spanning, paradoxical fears with fascinating new sounds.
Review of 'Blackstar', by David Bowie, the new full-length album by the late iconic singer/songwriter is out now via RCA/Columbia/ISO Records.
Review of 'Blackstar', by David Bowie, the new full-length album by the late iconic singer/songwriter is out now via RCA/Columbia/ISO Records.
Taking a headlong plunge into electro-acoustic jazz, Bowie’s spellbinding 25th album is lyrically inscrutable and thrillingly strange
Taking a headlong plunge into electro-acoustic jazz, Bowie’s spellbinding 25th album is lyrically inscrutable and thrillingly strange
David Bowie - Blackstar review: David Bowie the artist, at his finest, portrays David Bowie the man.
David Bowie - Blackstar review: David Bowie the artist, at his finest, portrays David Bowie the man.