Best of Bowie
Album • Oct 22 / 2002 • 20 songs, 1h 17m 47s • 95%
Glam Rock
Art Rock
Pop Rock
Bowie took on a lot of creative personas throughout his career, but this compilation focuses on the creative songwriting and imaginative production that supported them all. Chronologically arranged from 1969\'s futuristic psych-folk breakthrough \"Space Oddity\" to 1997\'s Brian Eno and Trent Reznor collaboration \"I\'m Afraid of Americans,\" *Best of Bowie* charts the man\'s unending artistic evolution. The soulful intensity of \"Young Americans,\" the creepy atmosphere of \"Ashes to Ashes,\" and the pure-pop delight of \"Modern Love\" sound even better in their rare single mixes.
David Bowie has switched labels so often his catalog is cluttered with hits compilations, all purporting to be definitive.