Young Wild N***a
Album • Aug 31 / 2017 • 10 songs, 30m • 0%
East Bay quartet SOB x RBE were busy in 2017, dropping a bunch of group singles and solo mixtapes, including this album-length effort by Daboii. The young, hard-spitting MC punctuates the roller-skate funk of \"Humble\" and the sensual, synth-heavy \"Reckless,\" and no surprise his SOB compatriots loom large on *Y.W.N.*: Yhung T.O. croons the syrupy hook on \"Handout,\" and Slimmy syncs up his flow on the spacious, bouncy \"Fwm.\" Daboii closes the album on his own with \"Mufasa,\" bumping over ticking drums and cavernous bass.