Prospekt's March
This eight-track stopgap EP-- which doubles as a bonus disc on the obligatory Viva fourth-quarter deluxe edition-- allows for an assessment of Coldplay's 2008 "We Are Edgy" campaign. Jay-Z guests.
This eight-song set Prospekt's March—available as a bonus disc with the newly repackaged Viva La Vida, or on its own via CD and download—might seem like a holiday-time afterthought, but it actually packs a solid punch of its own. It'd be easy to argue that it's more than a companion to the flabby Viva; in some ways,…
Hopefully, mistakes and lessons from this EP will guide <b>Coldplay </b>on album number five.
Coldplay - Prospekt's March review: When it comes down to it, Prospekt's March is an inconsistent, but incredibly exciting half-hour of music.