Vroom Vroom
“Yeah bitch I’m here to take that crown,” yelps Charli XCX atop the pulverising, MIA-indebted neo-rave of “Trophy”. And if you’re looking for a sign of the former Charlotte Aitchison’s alt-pop reign, you could do a lot worse than this experiment in tyre-screeching electro provocation. Wholly produced by SOPHIE—of disruptive London label PC Music—and predominantly recorded in just a few days, *Vroom Vroom EP* fizzes with in-your-face inventiveness and unstoppable youthful brio.
Produced entirely by PC Music's Sophie, Charli XCX's Vroom Vroom EP is pointedly uncommercial and abrasive.
The 23 year old Brit rulebreaker returns with a new EP, shaking the foundations of pop music as we know it and making us fall in love a little deeper.
Charli XCX, aka Charlotte Aitchison, has always seemed as interested in breaking new ground as chart dominance. And while that's certainly t...