
AlbumMar 06 / 202011 songs, 38m 4s
Indie Pop Synthpop
Popular Highly Rated

Two years after her breakthrough album *Loner*—a witty, woozy, and very personal New Wave odyssey—Rose returns with an appropriately glossy concept album about fame and misfortune. Over the course of *Superstar*’s 11 tracks, she follows a fictitious striver who dreams of big-screen stardom, for all the wrong reasons. “I’m moving to LA/A weekend in Paris/I’m gonna bask in fame/Fiji in a banana hammock,” Rose sings on “Got to Go My Own Way,” one of the album’s several bright-eyed vision-board boasts. They’re part of a doomed Hollywood journey Rose narrates through both gorgeously slow-burning anthems (“Nothing’s Impossible”) and synth-afflicted dance-floor jams (“Feel the Way I Want”). *Superstar* may not have the happiest of endings, but it’s alluring enough to make you hold out hope for a sequel.


6.7 / 10

The New York songwriter’s fourth album sacrifices spontaneity for the sake of a character-driven concept, but her sense of humor remains as strong as ever.

9 / 10

Fate can't stand in the way of superstardom on this epic second outing

8.9 / 10

Let's hope that Rose keeps taking us on colorful tours of her psyche for years to come.

Review: Margaret Glaspy's 'Devotion' and Caroline Rose's 'Superstar'

Her ascent to superstardom isn’t impossible - it just might take a little longer than planned.

9 / 10

Caroline Rose's Superstar is a sketch show starring insecurity, unasked questions and the ego we could crash into a storefront and still den...

8.0 / 10

In 2020, Caroline Rose is shooting for superstardom. Rose started in the field of earnest Americana but cultivated a swaggering indie pop sound on 2018's LONER.

6 / 10

The New York songwriter is still unable to write a bad melody, but some of the songs on Superstar don't hit home as hard as they could

8 / 10

In terms of color-coded personality profiles, a red is someone who thinks logically instead of emotionally.

65 %

Album Reviews: Caroline Rose - Superstar

3.7 / 5

Caroline Rose - Superstar review: Stardom awaits.

8 / 10